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Office of Aging and Disability Services
An Office of Department of Health and Human Services

The Office of Aging and Disability Services (OADS) supports Maine's older and disabled adults by providing Adult Protective, Brain Injury, Other Related Conditions, Intellectual and Developmental Disability, Long Term Care, and Aging and Community services to the people of Maine.

OADS coordinates the programs and benefits to assure they operate consistent with the state and federal policies and the Maine Department of Health and Human Services' goals.


We promote individual dignity through respect, choice and support for all adults.


To promote the highest level of independence, health and safety of older citizens, vulnerable adults and adults with disabilities.

Intellectual and Developmental Disability with Autism

The home and community-based waiver programs provide services in a variety of settings including at home, in the community, and on the job.

The needed services are identified through a person- centered planning process and must be authorized by the Department of Health and Human Services.

Adults with intellectual disabilities or autism spectrum disorders who want to live as independently as possible at home and in the community may be eligible for one of two “waiver” programs: Comprehensive (Section 21) or Support waiver (Section 29).

Services may include: Home, Community, and Work Supports, career planning, assistive technology, durable medical equipment, therapy services, transportation and respite.

The State of Maine requires an assessment to determine an individual’s financial eligibility and level of function.

Assessments help individuals and families understand what services are available to them and to plan for the individual’s needs.

For more information or to find out how to apply for service, please visit How Do I Apply and FAQ’s.

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