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New Hampshire

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Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
Our Mission

The developmental services system will join with local communities to support individuals of all ages with developmental disabilities or acquired brain disorders and their families to experience as much freedom, choice, control and responsibility over the services and supports they receive as desired.

Any resident of NH is eligible for services who has a developmental disability and meets the following criteria:

  • a disability that is attributable to mental retardation, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, autism or a specific learning disability, or any other condition of an individual found to be closely related to mental retardation as it refers to general intellectual functioning or impairment in adaptive behavior or requires treatment similar to that required for mentally retarded individuals; and

  • a disability that originates before such individual attains age 22, has continued or can be expected to continue indefinitely, and constitutes a severe disability to such individual's ability to function normally in society.


Bureau of Developmental Services

Adult Services


Bureau of Developmental Services Catchment Areas


BDS Policies and Guidance Documents

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