
Keep Our Troops Alive (KOTA) is a nonprofit organization bringing greater awareness to issues associated with depression, post traumatic stress disorder, and suicide ideation among military personnel and combat veterans.
KOTA offers a focus on coping and provides support to bereaved families who have experienced the death of a loved one who has died by suicide.



Toby Ramirez-Johnson
- - Founder and Author - -
Available in
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Founder and Author, Toby Ramirez-Johnson, unveils the darkside of suicide from a sibling's perspective as she takes her readers through the countdown that leads up to the final seven days of her brother's life.
In this book, Toby Ramirez-Johnson breaks the silence and sheds light upon the devastation of suicide and post-traumatic stress disorder suffered largely by many military soldiers who have served their country. Follow Toby as she guides you through her personal story with what her brother endured, a Veteran who served two tours in Afghanistan.